
If Gustavo Novoa´s art was once considered ¨naif¨, it stopped being so a long time ago due to the implicit aesthetic proposition in each painting and the stylistic treatment with which his harmonious compositions, regardless of their themes, are conceived. They carry the distinct stamp of authorship inherent in all of Novoa´s work.

His touch cannot be confused. The simplicity in his paintings appears in the spirit of the characters that inhabit his idealized faunas and not through a naiveté concerning the drawings or the color, which, on the contrary, are in permanent alliance and interact to produce a spatial effect creating a chromatic perspective often used by Novoa. With this, he demonstrates an absolute dominance of his craft and transmits to the spectator an air of eternal freshness which his paintings possess due to his pure technique. Occasionally framed by bright foliage through which blue skies glimmer, his humanized beasts live peacefully.

They are the elements he uses as an expressive medium to bring us a message of infinite cordiality and profound understanding. He also gives us subtle moral lessons with a certain hedonistic touch that has the power to capture our attention through the vigorous use of color. In a careful analysis of Novoa´s painting, one of the first things we notice is that his subjects cohabit in a romantic environment, which conveys a deep sensitivity toward natures most exotic surroundings. For him, the words of the poet Moreas ring true: "dress ideas with sensitive forms".

Feelings, emotion, and imagination are all the principal ingredients in the creation of this paradise, where the spiritual will always prevail in an art that is first and foremost an expression of faith. If for Dufy, “impressionistic realism lost all its enchantment when contemplating the miracle of imagination introduced in drawing and color”, for Novoa, something similar has occurred. He does not conceive his work only as a beautiful object in itself, nor does he present the “realities” of the exterior world in his themes; instead, he expresses the perceptions born of his meditation.